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SI Tip of the Day: Shift+Delete Keystroke to Delete Blocks of Text

TIP: A little-known keystroke Shift+Delete can be used when your cursor is at beginning of an XML tag such as SPT, TXT, LST, ITM, to instantly and correctly delete everything enclosed by the start tag and its associated end tag.

Screenshots - Before:


Still a good idea to use Alt, T, V to check validity. 

AND BE AWARE that any nested subparts will also be deleted if you delete a parent SPT tag and all that is within it using Shift+Delete.

(This information is found in the built-in help system, under SpecsIntact Editor > Using the SI Editor > Tips & Techniques. Along with a lot of other good tips & techniques ;)


  1. Glad someone is back on this blog. I'm looking for information on the new formatted tables. Is there any way to split a table?

  2. I havent tried them yet...but what if you select the table, ctrl-c to
    copy, deselect and add a couple blank lines (<\TXT> with nothing
    between the start and end tags), then with cursor right before the
    second set of TXT tags, ctrl-v to paste. then edit each table for the
    way you want it to be split
